Please Take note that as of the beginning of the Easter Term, the 12th of April 2021 the Circuit Civil Courts will recommence with the Listing of Judges Motions and Hearings on a staggered basis.
On the 12th of April 2021 the Courts Service will also begin to list the matters that have been affected during the past three months of the lockdown and we advise that all parties check the legal diary regularly to obtain their adjournment date and time slot.
The Courts Service will endeavour to have the lists published two weeks in advance so that all parties have advanced notice of their Court dates.
Please note for the Easter Term that the Judges motion list will be heard in Court 27.
Any Ex-Parte Applications regarding the court lists will be made before the Judge presiding over Court 27 and must be lodged with the Civil Office in advance and a time slot will be allocated.
This notice is available to read on the Courts Service website here.
Please contact Trevor Hosey if you have any queries or require us to attend.