The Courts Service have issued the following notice:
Further to the Notice published on 28th January 2021 and due to the provisions of the Health Act 1947 (Section 31A -Temporary Restrictions) (Covid-19) Regulations 2020, the following shall apply for Dublin County Registrar business until further notice: –
- Applications for the appointment of Care Representative pursuant to section 21 of the Nursing Home Support Scheme Act 2009 will proceed as scheduled. Please check the Legal Diary for the venue.
- Taxation of Costs call over listed for 22 March 2021 will proceed as VMR hearing.
- VMR hearings already arranged will proceed as listed and scheduled.
- Urgent Applications for Marriage Exemption Orders will proceed to be heard.
- All other Civil Motion lists and civil matters, Family Law motion lists, Family Law list to fix dates and Family Law case progression listed until the end of Hilary term stand adjourned for dates to be fixed. The next available date will be fixed in due course, when hearings can take place.
- The County Registrar will be available to hear urgent matters where necessary and parties should contact the Dublin Circuit Court Office to arrange the same.
Notices will be published on the Courts Service website in due course regarding the relisting of all adjourned Civil business and Family Law business (including those matters adjourned on account of the current and previous government restrictions). Possession Civil Bills will not be listed for hearing during Easter Term 2021. Any updates will be published on the Courts Service website. Parties should consult the website for all updates and Notices. No other notice will be given regarding the relisting and hearing dates of adjourned matters.
Arrangements are in place to ensure compliance with HSE distancing requirements and your cooperation is appreciated. To comply with social distancing requirements staggered times have been allocated to attend Court for the hearing. You must only attend Court at your scheduled time. All documents must be filed in the Circuit Court Office not later than 5 working days prior to the hearing date. A complete, indexed and paginated booklet for the hearing of the matter must be lodged in the Circuit Court Office not later than 5 working days prior to the hearing date, clearly setting out the hearing date and court. Vouchers and Orders relied upon must be attached to the Summons to Tax/Bill of Costs when lodged.
Further, as per the Order of the President of the Circuit Court dated the 6th April 2020, where cases are settled and require to be struck out or other consent orders need to be ruled, during the current restrictions, these will continue to be dealt with by email requests from both parties and will be ruled by the County Registrar during Court sittings, without the necessity of parties being present in court.
The following dedicated mailboxes have been set up to deal with such consent applications only by the County Registrar for Dublin.
Dublin Circuit Court Family Law: – email
Dublin Circuit Court Civil Office email: –
To apply for the ruling of an order on consent, one single email ONLY from the moving party which must contain all the following:
(a) the correct details of the case and correct record number;
(b) the exact terms of the order sought to be ruled on consent;
(c) a letter of consent from the solicitor for the other party/ies to the making of the consent order; Do not attach a chain of emails as these will not be read and your application will not be considered.
(d) a copy of the relevant Notice of Motion/ Notice of Trial/Civil Bill;
(e) where necessary the relevant exhibits ONLY;
(f) the date the matter is listed before the Court or confirmation nothing listed for hearing.
(g) if a matter is urgent this must be highlighted by the Applicant in the subject line of the email.
If this notice is not followed the email will not be acted upon and will not be replied. Other emails sent incorrectly to the consent email address will not be replied to.
Please ensure all consent ruling applications are directed to the appropriate designated e-mail address as they will not be dealt with if sent to an incorrect email address.
Orders on consent seeking to join parties to proceedings or amend proceedings cannot be ruled by email.
The County Registrar will be available to hear urgent matters. Hearing dates for the listing of urgent applications should be e-mailed to or, as appropriate, for arrangements to be made.
The above notice can be read on the Courts Service website here.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.