List Room Book Lodgement Cut Off and Updated Opening Hours

We wish to advise that the Courts Service have mandated the below cut-off times for the lodgement of books in the List Room and updated the List Room opening hours.

If you intend to send books to our office, please ensure that they reach us no later than two hours prior to the cut-off time to ensure on-time lodgement. We will always endeavour to lodge all books in advance of the List Room cut-off time, irrespective of our own two hour deadline.

Please note, that the List Room will not accept books later than the below cut-offs without prior approval.

If requesting Pearts to lodge books after the stated cut-offs, please note the below:

  1. Please send an email to requesting permission to lodge books after the cut-off. Please ensure to include details of the case record number, the list it is in and date it is listed.
  2. Once approval has been given by the Courts Service for late lodgement, please provide said approval email to Pearts and we can assist with lodging the books in the list room.

 Cut-Off for Lodging Books

List Cut-Off for Lodging Books
Chancery Special Summons Lists 1:00pm the Wednesday prior to the Monday listing
Family law List 4:30pm the Wednesday prior to the listing or hearing date
Commercial List 4:30pm the Wednesday prior to the listing or hearing date
Chancery 1 List 1:00pm the Thursday prior to the listing or hearing date
Common Law ex-Parte list 2:00pm the Thursday prior to the listing or hearing date
Judicial Review ex-Parte list 4:00pm the Thursday prior to the listing or hearing date
Chancery 2 List 4:30pm the Thursday prior to the listing or hearing date
Non-Jury List 4:30pm the Thursday prior to the listing or hearing date
Common Law Lists 4:30pm the Thursday prior to the Monday listing
Personal Insolvency List 4:30pm the Thursday prior to the listing or hearing date
SID List Various Cut-Offs – Please see Appendix 3 of Practice HC Direction 107

Updated List Room Opening Hours From December 5th 2022

Day Opening Hours
Monday 10am – 1.00 pm
Tuesday 10am – 1.00 pm
Wednesday 10 am – 4.30 pm (Closed for lunch from 1 pm to 2 pm)
Thursday 10 am – 4.30 pm (Closed for lunch from 1 pm to 2 pm)
Friday 10 am – 4.30 pm (Closed for lunch from 1 pm to 2 pm)

As always, the Pearts team are happy to assist with any queries, and available at or by phone at 01 872 2311.