Notable News: Farewell John, Congratulations Niamh & Michael…

Farewell to John Byrne

John ByrneRegular visitors to our website will have noticed the significant absence of one of our most longstanding and loyal members of staff.

After 22 years of being a hugely valued member of our staff, John Byrne has left the firm, to explore pastures new.

John, as most of you will know was, and still is, that ‘safe pair of hands’, that competent solver of problems, that ‘go to’ person, when anything needed to be sorted out.

Covid 19 restrictions prevented us from having any sort of fitting send off for John, and indeed, being the quiet and private sort of person that he is, he may well have preferred it that way. But John, you can rest assured, we have all toasted your long service to Pearts in our own way.

We will miss him, but wish him well on wherever his new journey takes him.

I also want to take this opportunity to assure all of you, our correspondents, that notwithstanding John Byrne’s departure from the firm, it is business as usual, and all of our staff are ready, willing and able to assist you whenever you need us.


Niamh Wade Called to the Bar

Yet another absentee from our website is our very own daughter, Niamh Wade, who was recently called to the Bar and who began Devilling at the start of Michealmas Term with another excellent ex-member of the Pearts team, Brendan Savage BL. After following a variety of career paths and working on and off in the family business since the age of sixteen, Niamh joined Pearts full time in 2018, and has ably represented us as a Law Clerk since then. Soon after her arrival to the firm, she realised however, that it was the barrister’s life for her, and so the hard slog to qualification via the Honorable Society of the Kings Inns began.

Congratulations Niamh! We look forward to seeing you in the Four Courts as you continue your legal career.


Mr Justice Michael Peart: Lifetime Achievement Award 2021

It was with great excitement that Niamh and I were witness to the presentation to my brother Michael, of the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award, at the recent Irish Law Awards.

Michael accepted this great honour with pride and delight and although he had not had the benefit of much preparation time, he delivered an acceptance speech that was both heartfelt and amusing. Congratulations Michael!

While on the subject of the 2021 Irish Law Awards, I would also like to congratulate our many colleagues who themselves were either finalists or winners of an overall prize. It is heartening to know that as your Town Agent, we are serving many of this country’s finest firms.