Order of the President of the Circuit Court Re: Sittings 21 May to 1 June 2021

Practitioners please note the following the following Notice from Patricia Ryan, President of the Circuit Court:

I, Patricia Ryan, President of the Circuit Court, in pursuance of the powers vested in me by Section 10 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1947, and by other powers conferred on me, and having consulted the permanent Judges of the Circuit Court do hereby Order the following:

1.  Judges of the Circuit Court shall sit at their own discretion from 21st  May 2021 to 1st June 2021 inclusive, to deal with such business as is necessary.

2.  That this Order shall be published as soon as possible on www.courts.ie

Dated this 12th  day of May 2021
Patricia Ryan

If you require any assistance, please contact Trevor Hosey thosey@pearts.ie