Re: Dublin – County Registrar – Family Law Motions and Case Progression matters listed until 1 December 2020

Please take notice that all Family Law Motions listed before the Dublin County Registrar until 1st December 2020 have been adjourned for a date to be fixed. Newly assigned hearing dates will be published on the Legal Diary in due course.

Please also note that Family Law Case Progression listed for 29th and 30th October 2020 have been adjourned for a date to be fixed. Newly assigned hearing dates will be published in on the Legal Diary in due course.

In accordance with the previous Notices, the County Registrar is available to hear urgent matters, on application to the Dublin Circuit Court Family Law Office, and on notice to the other party to the matter.

Please contact our Trevor Hosey at if you have any queries.

Please note that the offices of Pearts Solicitors remain open during level 5 restrictions and we continue to provide our full level of services including the attendance at court offices, filing of documents, physical and remote court attendances.