The hearing of Motions for the Sitting of the Court and Garnishee Motions will resume by way of physical hearing (not remote hearing) commencing on Monday the 14th day of June 2021 and continuing each Monday thereafter.
Motions for the Sitting of the Court and Garnishee Motions which were listed for hearing from the 11th January 2021 to the 17th May 2021 and were adjourned generally due to the public health measures as a result of Covid-19 are still adjourned generally. No date has been allocated yet for the hearing of the Motions for the Sitting of the Court and Garnishee Motions which were listed for hearing from the 11th January 2021 to the 17th May 2021, we will notify practitioners by way of a further circular once a date has been fixed in respect of the resumption of those motions.
If you require our physical attendance in Court you might please forward your instructions, confirming the name of your counsel and enclosing an indexed, paginated booklet of motion papers/pleadings marked for the attention of our Helen Hanlon.