The positive callover for the Cork Personal & Fatal Injuries List for the sessions commencing on the 4th to the 15th October 2021 will take place remotely on Friday 10th September 2021, before Mr Justice Cross. Please see list.
The Positive Callover will apply to all cases appearing in the list which were set down for trial prior to the 31st August 2020, i.e. up to and including 19000CK. Any such case which is not ready for hearing in the next sessions or in respect of which there is no attendance in court at the callover will have the notice of trial struck out. Any matter so struck out will not be entered in the list until a new notice of trial is served and the matter set down for trial. Any case set down again as aforesaid will take its place at the end of the list. A new notice of trial should not be served unless the case is ready for trial.
If you require us to attend and make an application on your behalf you should forward your instructions to our Jessica Kelly at to reach us no later than 3pm on Wednesday 8th September, this is to ensure that all applications are properly prepared and recorded by us in advance of the callover. Late instructions after this time must be followed up with a phone call to Jessica to ensure that she will be in a position to deal with same. No instructions can be taken on the morning of the callover.